"本民族是文明中心",1891年,来自 ethno- + -centric; 社会科学中的技术术语,直到20世纪下半叶开始更广泛地使用。相关词汇: Ethnocentricity; ethnocentrism(1902年)。
Dr. Gumplowicz, professor of sociology at the University of Gratz, says that there are illusions which have been most baneful in the wider life of the world. He mentions two of them which, with real German facility for coining new names, he calls "acrochronism" and "ethnocentrism." ["Address of Professor J.C. Bracq," in "The Eighth Lake Mohonk Arbitration Conference," May 28, 1902; he adds, "Acrochronism is the illusion which leads us to think that what we are doing is the culminating point of some great process."]
格拉茨大学社会学教授古姆普洛维奇博士说,有些幻觉在世界更广泛的生活中是最有害的。他提到了其中的两个,用德国人善于创造新名词的方式称之为“acrochronism”和“ethnocentrism”。(“布拉克教授的演讲”,收录于“第八届莫洪克仲裁会议”,1902年5月28日; 他补充说:“Acrochronism 是一种幻觉,它使我们认为我们正在做的是某个伟大过程的顶峰。”)