1896年,英国学生俚语中 breakfast 和 lunch 合并而来。
ACCORDING to the Lady, to be fashionable nowadays we must "brunch." Truly an excellent portmanteau word, introduced, by the way, last year, by Mr GUY BERINGER, in the now defunct Hunter's Weekly, and indicating a combined breakfast and lunch. At Oxford, however, two years ago, an important distinction was drawn. The combination-meal, when nearer the usual breakfast hour, is "brunch," and, when nearer luncheon, is "blunch." Please don't forget this. [Punch, Aug. 1, 1896]
根据 Lady 杂志,如今我们要时尚就必须“brunch”。这是一个非常出色的混成词,顺便提一下,它是由 GUY BERINGER 先生在已经停刊的 Hunter's Weekly 杂志上去年引入的,表示早餐和午餐的组合。然而,在两年前的牛津大学,人们做出了重要的区分。当组合餐更接近通常的早餐时间时,它被称为“brunch”,而当更接近午餐时,则被称为“blunch”。请不要忘记这一点。[Punch,1896年8月1日]