"对地面目标的飞机攻击",1914年,来自 air(n.1),这里的意思是“通过飞机”,+ raid(n.)。最初是指第一次世界大战中英国于1914年9月22日对齐柏林飞艇基地在科隆和杜塞尔多夫的袭击。德语单词是 Fliegerangriff “飞行员攻击”,如果古英语一直流传到20世纪,我们的单词可能会是 fleogendeongrype。
One didn't dare to inhale for fear of breathing it in. It was the sound of eighteen hundred airplanes approaching Hamburg from the south at an unimaginable height. We had already experienced two hundred or even more air raids, among them some very heavy ones, but this was something completely new. And yet there was an immediate recognition: this was what everyone had been waiting for, what had hung for months like a shadow over everything we did, making us weary. It was the end. [Hans Erich Nossack, "Der Untergang," 1942]