


1816年,源自希腊语 agathos “好的”(参见 Agatha)和 -ist

Doctor Kearney, who formerly, with so much reputation, delivered lectures in this place on the history of Rome, observed to me once, that he was not an optimist, but an "agathist"; that he believed that every thing tended to good, but did not think himself competent to determine what was absolutely the best. The distinction is important, and seems to be fatal to the system of Optimism. [George Miller, "Lectures on the Philosophy of Modern History," Dublin, 1816]
曾在此地讲授罗马历史的声誉卓著的凯尔尼博士曾经对我说过,他不是一位乐观主义者,而是一位“agathist”; 他相信一切都趋向于好,但不认为自己有能力确定什么是绝对最好的。这种区别很重要,似乎对乐观主义的体系是致命的。[乔治·米勒,《现代历史哲学讲座》,都柏林,1816年]
