


古英语中,“撒玛利亚的本地人或居民”,古巴勒斯坦的一个地区,源自晚期拉丁语 Samaritanus,源自希腊语 Samareitēs,源自 Samareia(见 Samaria)。在以色列人离开该国后,亚述国王在其城市安置了一个非希伯来种族。

Originally idolaters they soon began to worship Jehovah, but without abandoning their former gods. They afterward became monotheists, and observed the Mosaic law very strictly, but with peculiar variations. About 400 B. C. they built a temple on Mount Gerisim, which was destroyed 130 B. C. They began to decline toward the close of the fifth century after Christ. They still exist, bat are nearly extinct. [Century Dictionary, 1897]

在1630年代,以《路加福音》第十章中 good Samaritan 的圣经故事为背景,用于表示“慈善或仁慈的人”的比喻意义。作为形容词,晚于14世纪末。相关词: Samaritanism