阿维森纳(1126-1198)是西班牙和摩洛哥的阿拉伯哲学家和医生,其名字是 Ibn Rushd 的拉丁化。他试图净化亚里士多德的阿拉伯版,将亚里士多德的重要性和对他众多异教教义的尊重提高到一种程度,这使得基督教徒和穆斯林中的正统虔诚者感到惊恐。他的追随者特别注重将哲学与宗教分开。相关人物: Averroist; Averoistic。
Averroes is more important in Christian than in Mohammedan philosophy. In the latter he was a dead end; in the former, a beginning. He was translated into Latin early in the thirteenth century by Michael Scott; as his works belong to the latter half of the twelfth century, this is surprising. His influence in Europe was very great, not only on the scholastics, but also on a large body of unprofessional free-thinkers, who denied immortality and were called Averroists. [Bertrand Russell, "A History of Western Philosophy"]
阿维森纳在基督教哲学中的重要性比在穆罕默德哲学中的要更大。在穆罕默德哲学中,他是一个死胡同,而在基督教哲学中,他则是一个开端。他的著作于13世纪初被迈克尔·斯科特(Michael Scott)翻译成拉丁文,考虑到他的作品属于12世纪后半期,这是令人惊讶的。他在欧洲的影响非常大,不仅影响了细致派,还影响了大量的非专业自由思想家,他们否认人的不朽性并被称为阿维罗主义者。