1938年,美国地震学家查尔斯·弗朗西斯· Richter(1900-1985)发明了用于表示地震震级的对数比例尺,因其发明者而得名。1967年开始引申为比喻用法。
最早出现于1938年,最初是一个棒球动词; 参见 second(形容词)+ guess(名词)。
The expression second guess originated in big league baseball. In baseball, a man making a play has time only for one thought on that particular play. He must make up his mind in a flash how he is going to make the play. ... The expression came into the common speech because it so patly describes us fellows who sit back and analyze a wrong play after it has been made. [Damon Runyon, "The Brighter Side," Nov. 18, 1938]
“Second guess”这个表达起源于大联盟棒球。在棒球中,一个人在进行比赛时只有时间思考一个特定的动作。他必须在瞬间决定如何进行这个动作。...这个表达进入了普通语言,因为它如此精确地描述了我们这些坐在后面分析错误动作的人。[达蒙·拉尼恩,“The Brighter Side”,1938年11月18日]
至少在报纸上,这个短语的记录似乎支持棒球起源。 Second-guesser(1913年)是棒球俚语,指“大声质疑球员、经理等决策的球迷”,从1899年开始, guesser 或 baseball guesser 在体育写作中用于“猜测和发表对即将到来的比赛或赛季的看法的球迷”。
Quisser is the new Texas league umpire. Guesser would be a better name for the majority of those who are now employed by president Allen. [El Paso Herald, June 14, 1911]
Quisser 是新的德克萨斯联盟裁判。现在由艾伦总统雇用的大多数人更适合称为 Guesser。[埃尔帕索先驱报,1911年6月14日]
1938年,用于描述人的“面无表情或反应”,源自于表达 keep a straight face(1897年),来自于 straight(形容词)。
"香格里拉"起源于1938年,是由詹姆斯·希尔顿的小说《遗失的地平线》(1933年,电影版1937年)中描绘的 Shangri-La 的名字。在藏语中, la 意为“山口”。
soap opera(n.)
1938, in reference to one "deemed capable of resisting the effects of time for five thousand years preserving an account of universal achievements" that was "embedded in the grounds of the New York World's fair." See time (n.) + capsule (n.). Considered by some at the time to be ballyhoo.
Jones [archaeologist of A.D. 5139] potters about for a while in the region which we have come to regard as New York, finds countless ruins, but little of interest to the historian except a calcified direction sheet to something called a "Time Capsule." Jones finds the capsule but cannot open it, and decides, after considerable prying at the lid, that it is merely evidence of an archaic tribal ceremony called a "publicity gag" of which he has already found many examples. [Princeton Alumni Weekly, April 14, 1939]