

  • shul(n.)

    "synagogue," 1874年,源自意第绪语 shul,源自德语 Schule(参见 school(n.1))。早期该词被翻译为英语 school

  • stative(n.)

    in linguistics and in Hebrew grammar, indicating the case of certain verbs indicating a physical state, or intransitive or reflexive action, 1874, from Latin stativus "standing still," from status "a station, position, place" (see state (n.1)). Earlier in English it was an adjective meaning "stationary, fixed" (of a date, etc.); by 1630s.

  • strategize(v.)

    1874年,由 strategy-ize 组成。相关词汇: Strategizedstrategizing

  • sub-atomic(adj.)

    同时, subatomic(亚原子的)一词最早出现于1874年,由 sub-(下、次级的)和 atomic(原子的)组成。而 Sub-atom(亚原子的)一词则最早出现于1868年。

  • suburbia(n.)

    1876年,源自 suburb-ia,或许是以 utopia 为模板。

  • syndetic(adj.)

    "connecting," 1874年,来自 -ic 和希腊语 syndetos “绑在一起”的形容词,源自 syndein(参见 asyndeton)。

  • Sumerian(adj.)

    1874年,源自法语 Sumérien(1872年),意为“与 Sumer 相关的”,指古巴比伦地区的一个区域,曾经是一个伟大文明的中心。从1887年开始,该词也用作一种语言的名称。相关词汇: Sumeria

  • tedesco(n.)

    "德意志在艺术中的影响",这个形式的词语最早出现于1874年的意大利语中,字面意思是“德国的”,源自于中世纪拉丁语 theodiscus(参见 Dutch)。与此相似的法语词汇有 tiois “一个德国人”, tiesche(形容词)“德国的”。

  • thermotic(adj.)

    "of or relating to heat," 1874, adjective from Greek thermē "heat, feverish heat" (from PIE root *gwher- "to heat, warm"). Earlier, thermotics was proposed by Whewell as a name for the science which treats of heat (1831), along with photistics for that which treats of light, but they did not last. Related: Thermotical.

  • torpedo(v.)

    "用鱼雷摧毁或击沉(一艘船)",1874年,来自 torpedo(名词)。19世纪末也用于炸开油井。比喻意义始于1895年。相关词汇: Torpedoedtorpedoing