terza rima(n.)
thank you
表示感谢的礼貌用语,约1400年,缩写自 I thank you(见 thank)。作为名词,始于1792年。
think tank(n.)
third degree(n.)
“警方的严厉审讯”,起源于1900年。很可能与共济会中名为 Third Degree 的石匠大师的审讯仪式有关 (1772)。"Third degree" 作为烧伤程度最严重的度量单位,最早见于1866年的法语(1832),而在美国英语中,“Third degree”也用来描述某种类型犯罪的轻重程度(指最不严重的犯罪)自1865年被记载。
Third World(n.)
1963年,源於法語「tiers monde」,該詞由法國經濟史學家阿爾弗雷德·蘇維(Alfred Sauvy,1898-1990)於1952年提出,模仿法國大革命中的「third estate」(法語「tiers état」)而來。然而,他對「first world」(即西方世界)和「second world」(即蘇聯集團)的用法未能普及。
Three Rs(n.)
1824年; 据说是由伦敦十九世纪二十年代备受喜爱的市长威廉·柯蒂斯爵士(1752-1829)提出的祝酒词,他似乎是一个被人们嘲笑的人物,被归因于许多语言错误。他据称在公共晚宴上提出的祝酒词包括“伦敦女性”、“三个 C——考克斯、国王和柯蒂斯”和“三个 R——阅读、写作和算术”。
It has been very much the fashion amongst a class of persons to attribute to Sir W. C. ... a vulgarity and ignorance of speech which are by no means consistent with his character and conduct. The worthy and hospitable baronet has a rapid mode of speech, but it is always correct ; and although some eccentricities are mixed up in his composition, he is highly honourable, and has been a very useful member of society, particularly to his London constituents. [The Mirror, Jan. 29, 1825]
在某些人中,流行将粗俗和语言无知归因于威廉·柯蒂斯爵士,这与他的品格和行为并不一致。这位值得尊敬和好客的男爵有一种快速的说话方式,但它总是正确的; 虽然他的性格中掺杂了一些古怪的东西,但他非常诚实,并且对社会特别是对他的伦敦选民非常有用。[《镜子报》,1825年1月29日]
It is, however, very certain, that at a city festival some years ago, having indulged very freely, he fell asleep, when some wag, choosing to consider him dead, wrote his epitaph, which was found next morning pinned to the baronet's dress coat:—
"Here lies the great Curtis,
Of London, Lord May'r:
He's left this here world,
And gone to that there."
Tia Maria(n.)
“Tía María”是一种咖啡味的朗姆酒,最初产于西印度群岛,于1948年问世,其西班牙语字面意思为“玛丽姨妈”。
tic douloureux(n.)
1798年,法语,字面意思为“痛苦的抽搐”; 见 tic。
time zone(n.)
1885年,源自 time(n.)和 zone(n.)。与英国和法国一样,全国统一时间的运动来自铁路。
Previous to 1883 the methods of measuring time in the United States were so varied and so numerous as to be ludicrous. There were 50 different standards used in the United States, and on one road between New York and Boston, whose actual difference is 12 minutes, there were three distinct standards of time. Even small towns had two different standards one known as "town" or local time and the other "railroad" time.
... At noon on November 18, 1883, there was a general resetting of watches and clocks all over the United States and Canada, and the four great time zones, one hour apart, into which the country was divided came into being. So smoothly did the plan work that the general readjustment was accomplished without great difficulty and it has worked satisfactorily ever since. [Railroad Trainman, September 1909]
... 在1883年11月18日中午,美国和加拿大各地的手表和时钟都进行了普遍的重新设置,国家被划分为四个相隔一小时的时区。计划执行得非常顺利,普遍调整没有遇到太大的困难,自那以后一直运作良好。[铁路工人,1909年9月]
Tin Pan Alley(n.)
"热门歌曲创作业务",起源于1907年,源自俚语 tin pan,意为“破旧的钢琴”(1882年)。最初的 tin pan 指的是曼哈顿第28街,位于百老汇和第六大道之间的小区域,许多音乐出版社都在这里。