

  • transmute(v.)

    14世纪晚期,“改变外观”,源自拉丁语 transmutare “从一种状态转变为另一种状态”,源自 trans “横跨,超越; 彻底”(见 trans-)和 mutare “改变”(源自 PIE 词根 *mei-(1)“改变,前进,移动”)。相关词汇: Transmutedtransmuting

  • transmutation(n.)

    14世纪晚期, transmutacioun,“连续的改变和交换”,还有“形式或性质的转变,变形; 一种物质变成另一种物质的变化”,14世纪晚期,来自古法语 transmutacion “转化,变化,变形”(12世纪),源自拉丁语 transmutationem(主格 transmutatio)“变化,转移”,是拉丁语 transmutare 的动作名词,意为“从一种状态转变为另一种状态”,源自 trans “横跨,超越; 彻底”(参见 trans-)和 mutare “改变”(源自 PIE 词根 *mei-(1)“改变,前进,移动”)。第一个意义最初在神学中使用; 第二个意义在炼金术中使用。

  • transmutable(adj.)

    "capable of being changed into a different substance," late 15c., from Medieval Latin transmutabilis, from past-participle stem of Latin transmutare "change from one condition to another" (see transmute). Related: Transmutably; transmutability

  • trans-national(adj.)

    同时 transnational,1884年,意为“跨越一个国家”,由 trans-national(形容词)组成。它在1921年被证明为“超越国界的扩展或利益”。相关: Transnationally; transnationalism

  • trans-Neptunian(adj.)

    by 1852 (in a translation of A, von Humboldt), "being beyond the planet Neptune" (which was discovered and named in 1846); see trans- + Neptune. Originally of theoretical planets that could influence the orbits of comets.

  • transnihilation(n.)

    "the transformation (of nothing) into nothings," 1820 (Coleridge, in a letter published 1836), see trans- + ending from annihilation.

  • transnivean(adj.)

    "beyond the snows," 1854; see trans- "beyond" + Latin nivem (nominative nix) "snow" (see neve) + -an.

  • transnormal(adj.)

    also trans-normal, "exceeding or beyond what is normal, abnormal by excess," 1853; see trans- + normal (adj.).

  • trans-oceanic(adj.)

    1827年,"位于海洋对面的",来自 trans- + oceanic。"越过海洋"的意思记录于1868年。

  • transom(n.)

    14世纪晚期, transeyn “跨越开口的横梁,门楣”,可能是从拉丁语 transtrum “横梁”(尤其是跨越开口的横梁)通过去音节重复而来,源自 trans “横跨,超越”(源自 PIE 词根 *tere-(2)“横跨,穿过,克服”)+工具后缀 -trum。意思是“门上或其他窗户上的小窗户”,首次记录于1844年。