

  • time-capsule(n.)

    1938, in reference to one "deemed capable of resisting the effects of time for five thousand years preserving an account of universal achievements" that was "embedded in the grounds of the New York World's fair." See time (n.) + capsule (n.). Considered by some at the time to be ballyhoo.

    Jones [archaeologist of A.D. 5139] potters about for a while in the region which we have come to regard as New York, finds countless ruins, but little of interest to the historian except a calcified direction sheet to something called a "Time Capsule." Jones finds the capsule but cannot open it, and decides, after considerable prying at the lid, that it is merely evidence of an archaic tribal ceremony called a "publicity gag" of which he has already found many examples. [Princeton Alumni Weekly, April 14, 1939]
  • time-honored(adj.)

    也称为 time-honoured,起源于1590年代; 来自于 time(n.)和 honor(v.)的过去分词。

  • time-keeper(n.)

    同时 timekeeper,来自1680年代,源自 time(n.)和 keeper

  • timeless(adj.)

    "永恒的," 来自于 time(n.)+ -less。早期它的意思是“不合时宜的”(1550年代)。相关词汇: Timelesslytimelessness

  • time-line(n.)

    同时 timeline,1876年,来自于 time(n. 时间)和 line(n. 线)。

  • timeous(adj.)

    "timely," 15世纪晚期,来自 time(n.)+ -ous。相关词汇: Timeously

  • time-out(n.)

    也用于 time out,1896年用于体育运动,1939年用于其他职业; 从1980年开始用作儿童纪律策略的名称; 源自 timeout

  • timepiece(n.)

    1765年,来自 time(n.)和 piece(n.1)。

  • timer(n.)

    1908年作为机械装置,代理名词来自 time(v.)。

  • time-server(n.)

    "适应时代的行为和观点",来自于表达式 serve the time "根据时势塑造观点"(1550年代),翻译自拉丁语 tempori servire。参见 time(n.)+ serve(v.)。