Beverly Hills
美国南加州的城市,建于1911年,早期名为 Beverly(1907年),以当时美国总统塔夫脱夏季住所所在地 Beverly Farms,马萨诸塞州命名,而该地最终是以约克郡的城镇 Beverly 命名,其在古英语中的意思是“海狸小屋”。
喜马拉雅地区位于西藏和印度之间,源自梵语 bhota “西藏”+ anta “尽头”。当地名称据说是 Druk Yul “龙之国”。相关词汇: Bhutanese。
"旧约和新约的圣经",早在14世纪就来自盎格鲁拉丁语 biblia,13世纪的古法语 bible "圣经",也指一般的大书,来自中世纪和晚期拉丁语 biblia "圣经"(中性复数被解释为女性单数),来自 biblia sacra "圣书"的短语,这是希腊语 ta biblia to hagia "圣书"的翻译。拉丁词来自希腊词 biblion "纸张,卷轴",也是“作为更大作品的一部分的书”的普通词汇; 参见 biblio-。
基督教经文在公元223年左右就被称为希腊语 Ta Biblia。 Bible 取代了古英语 biblioðece(参见 bibliothec),成为“圣经”的普通词汇。"任何权威书籍"的比喻意义始于1804年。Bible-thumper "严格的基督徒"来自1870年。Bible belt 指美国南部基督教原教旨主义者主导的地区,始于1926年; 可能是由 H.L.门肯创造的。
Her first husband was a missionary to China, and died miserably out there, leaving her with a small baby and no funds. Her second seems to have left her nearly as quickly, though under his own steam: her souvenir was another infant. For years she toured the Bible Belt in a Ford, haranguing the morons nightly under canvas. [H.L. Mencken, review of Aimee Semple McPherson's "In the Service of the King: The Story of My Life," The American Mercury, April 1928]
Walter Scott and Pope's Homer were reading of my own election, but my mother forced me, by steady daily toil, to learn long chapters of the Bible by heart; as well as to read it every syllable through, aloud, hard names and all, from Genesis to the Apocalypse, about once a year; and to that discipline — patient, accurate, and resolute — I owe, not only a knowledge of the book, which I find occasionally serviceable, but much of my general power of taking pains, and the best part of my taste in literature. ... [O]nce knowing the 32nd of Deuteronomy, the 119th Psalm, the 15th of 1st Corinthians, the Sermon on the Mount, and most of the Apocalypse, every syllable by heart, and having always a way of thinking with myself what words meant, it was not possible for me, even in the foolishest times of youth, to write entirely superficial or formal English .... [John Ruskin, "Fors Clavigera," 1871]
沃尔特·斯科特和蒲柏的荷马是我自己选的读物,但是我的母亲通过每天的刻苦劳动,强迫我背诵长篇章节的圣经,每年大约一次,从创世记到启示录,每个音节都要大声朗读,包括难读的名字; 我不仅因此了解了这本书,发现它偶尔有用,而且还有很多关于我的耐心、准确和决心的一面,以及我在文学方面最好的品味。...[O]nce knowing the 32nd of Deuteronomy, the 119th Psalm, the 15th of 1st Corinthians, the Sermon on the Mount, and most of the Apocalypse, every syllable by heart, and having always a way of thinking with myself what words meant, it was not possible for me, even in the foolishest times of youth, to write entirely superficial or formal English .... [约翰·拉斯金,《Fors Clavigera》,1871年]
圆珠笔是一种流行的塑料笔,大约在1950年由法国设计,1953年以公司联合创始人马塞尔· Bich(1914-1994)的名字缩写命名。
1899年,指19世纪中期德国中产阶级家庭流行的艺术、文学和装饰风格。它源自德语,是指 Gottlieb Biedermeier,这是一个虚构的诗人名字(由路德维希·艾克罗特发明,用于讽刺中产阶级的品味)。这个术语在德国出版物中使用自约1870年。也作为形容词,“传统的,平庸的”。
Big Ben(n.)
在伦敦议会大厦的钟楼里,有个名为"大本钟"的大钟,在1861年被命名为" Benjamin Hall"爵士(1802-1867)的名字,据说这位爵士是议会大厦首任工程委员会主任。后来,这个名字也被用来指代这座钟楼和时钟本身。
Big Dipper(n.)
“美洲英语名称”,指的是1845年确定于“Ursa Major”星座内的七星群(在英国被称为“the plough”; 参见“Charles's Wain”)。早于1833年便以“the Dipper”称呼(有时也被称为“Great Dipper”,但其伙伴星座始终是“Little Dipper”)。详见“dipper”。
Big Mac
Big Mac 是一种大汉堡包的商标名称(麦当劳公司)。该名称在1968年被注册。
1961年,美国反共主义组织约翰· Birch 协会的成员。该协会成立于1958年,以美国浸信会传教士和陆军航空兵上尉约翰·伯奇的名字命名。伯奇在二战结束后不久被中国共产党杀害,被认为是冷战中的第一位美国牺牲者。