


一些英语单词中的辅音发音源于希腊语。 p- 在英语中通常是不发音的,但在法语,德语,西班牙语等其他语言中则要发音。

It is to be desired that it were sounded in English, also, at least in scientific and learned words; since the reduction of pneo- to neo-, pneu- to new-, and pnyx to nix, is a loss to etymology and intelligibility, and a weakening of the resources of the language. [OED]
在科技和学术用语中,人们希望在英语中也能发声,因为将 pneo- 简化成 neo-pneu- 变成 new-,以及将 pnyx 简化成 nix,这样做会使语源和理解力减少,使语言资源减弱。 [OED]