“走”的马指令,1909年,可能是早期 giddap(1867年)的扩展形式,本身可能来自 get up。比较 gee。
The terms used to start horses in harness and to urge them to a better appreciation of the value of time comprise vulgar corruptions of ordinary speech and peculiar inarticulate sounds. Throughout England and the United States drivers start their horses by picking up the reins, drawing them gently against the animals' mouths, and exclaiming go 'long and get up; the latter appears in the forms get ap (a as in hat), giddap, and gee-hup or gee-up. [H. Carrington Bolton, "Talking to Domestic Animals," in The American Anthropologist, March 1897]
用于开始马匹驾驭和敦促它们更好地理解时间价值的术语包括普通语言的粗俗变形和特殊的不清晰的声音。在英国和美国,驾驶员通过拿起缰绳,轻轻地拉住动物的嘴巴,喊出 go 'long 和 get up 来开始马匹; 后者以 get ap(a 如同帽子中的), giddap, 和 gee-hup 或 gee-up 的形式出现。[H. Carrington Bolton,“Talking to Domestic Animals”,《美国人类学家》,1897年3月]