Trigonocephalus contortrix,美国常见的有毒蛇,1775年,源自美国英语,因其眼睛之间的铜色斑纹而得名; 参见 copper(n.1)+ head(n.)。
The copper-head, though smaller, was much more feared. The rattle-snake was larger, sooner seen, and a true southerner, always living up to the laws of honor. He would not bite without provocation, and by his rattles gave the challenge in an honorable way. Instead of this well-bred warfare, the copper-head is a wrathy little felon, whose ire is always up, and he will make at the hand or the foot in the leaves or grass, before he is seen, and his bite is as poisonous as that of his brother of the larger fang. The young men tested his temper, and found that in his wrath he would bite a red hot coal. [Henry Howe, "Historical Collections of Ohio," 1854]
具体指涉疑似同情南方叛乱的北方人,据说这个名字最早出现在格里利的纽约“论坛”(Tribune)上,即1861年7月20日。查尔斯·H·科尔曼(Charles H. Coleman)在《密西西比河谷历史评论》(Mississippi Valley Historical Review)25(1938),第263页中追溯了一封匿名信,反对俄亥俄州反战民主党人,发表在1861年夏天的辛辛那提“商业”(Commercial)报纸上。俄亥俄州伍兹菲尔德(Woodsfield)的“民主精神”(Spirit of Democracy)于1861年9月18日引用了“最后的根西岛时报”(The last Guernsey Times)的话,称民主党人为“分裂的铜头蛇”。直到1862年夏天,这个名字似乎才开始广泛使用。在战争之前,它是美国旧铜便士的口语名称。相关: Copperheadism。