15世纪中期, contentement,“令人满意的付款”(指债务; 现在已过时),源自古法语 contentment,源自 contenter(见 content(v.))。意思是“满足于目前状况的幸福感”来自于1590年代。
Contentment is passive; satisfaction is active. The former is the feeling of one who does not needlessly pine after what is beyond his reach, nor fret at the hardship of his condition; the latter describes the mental condition of one who has all he desires, and feels pleasure in the contemplation of his situation. A needy man may be contented, but can hardly be satisfied. [Century Dictionary]
Contentment 是被动的; satisfaction 是主动的。前者是那些不会不必要地渴望超出自己能力范围的人的感觉,也不会因为自己的处境而烦恼的人的感觉; 后者描述了那些拥有自己所需的一切,并且在沉思自己的处境时感到愉悦的人的心理状态。一个贫穷的人可能会 contented,但几乎不可能 satisfied。[世纪词典]