1875年,来自祖鲁语 im-pala “瞪羚”。
"James 式的或类似于 James 的方式",1875年指美国哲学家、实用主义的倡导者威廉·詹姆斯(1842-1910); 1905年指他的兄弟、美国侨居小说家亨利·詹姆斯(1843-1916)。
[T]he long sentences piling themselves up in elaborate phrase after phrase, the lightning incision, the pauses, the slightly shaking admonitory gesture with its ‘wu-await a little, wait a little, something will come’; blague and benignity and the weight of so many years’ careful, incessant labour of minute observation always there to enrich the talk. I had heard it but seldom, yet it is all unforgettable. […] No man who has not lived on both sides of the Atlantic can well appraise Henry James; his death marks the end of a period. [Ezra Pound, from “Henry James,” Little Review, August 1918]
“长句子堆积着复杂的短语,闪电般的切入,停顿,略微颤抖的劝告手势,带着‘等一等,等一等,会有事情发生’的意味; 玩笑和仁慈,以及多年来对微小观察的仔细、不懈的劳动所带来的厚重感,总是丰富着谈话。我很少听到过这样的谈话,但它是永远难忘的。[...] 没有在大西洋两岸生活过的人很难评价亨利·詹姆斯; 他的去世标志着一个时代的结束。” [埃兹拉·庞德,《小评论》(Little Review),1918年8月]
"雪橇铃的铃舌,由松散的金属球组成",1875年, jingle(n.)的爱称。
此外, ju-jitsu(1875年)也源自日语 jujutsu,该词源自 ju 的“柔软,温和”(源自中文 jou 的“柔软,温和”)加上中文 jutsu 的“艺术,科学”,再加上中文 shu, shut。
1875年,源自意大利 Mafia “西西里岛的犯罪秘密组织”(在西西里岛以外的地方普遍使用),早期意为“对法律及其执行者的敌意”。成员被称为 mafioso(1870年),女性为 mafiosa,复数为 mafiosi,这可能是在这个意义上更古老的词。阿拉伯语经常被引用为最终来源(阿拉伯人在中世纪统治了西西里岛两个多世纪),但是哪个阿拉伯语词汇是有争议的。
The most likely origin of the actual meaning of mafioso and its derivative mafia — as suggested by the nineteenth-century Sicilian ethnographer Giuseppe Pitrè — is a play by Placido Rizzoto, I Mafiusi della Vicaria, first performed in 1863. ... The play concerns a group of prisoners in the Palermo jail who command particular respect: although individualistic and quarrelsome, they are members of an association with distinct patterns of behavior (including an initiation ritual) and a hierarchy, which claims it can influence the political and administrative system of the island. [Diego Gambetta, "The Sicilian Mafia," Harvard, 1993]
实际意义的 mafioso 及其衍生词 mafia 最可能的起源,正如19世纪西西里民俗学家朱塞佩·皮特雷所建议的那样,是普拉西多·里佐托的一部戏剧 I Mafiusi della Vicaria,于1863年首次上演。... 这部戏剧讲述了帕尔莫监狱的一群囚犯,他们受到特别的尊重:尽管个人主义和好斗,但他们是一个具有明显行为模式(包括入会仪式)和等级制度的协会,声称可以影响该岛的政治和行政体系。[迭戈·甘贝塔,“西西里黑手党”,哈佛,1993年]
因此, mafioso 的直接来源是19世纪西西里语 mafiusu,“意味着恶霸,傲慢但也无畏、有进取心和自豪感”[甘贝塔],他认为阿拉伯语的来源是 marfud “被拒绝的”形容词。
1875年,源自 mail(n.1)和 order。在电视和互联网出现之前,它是零售商和店主的噩梦。
The origin, foundation and principle of mail order trading is universally recognized as wrong. It was conceived in iniquity and brought forth in despair as the world's greatest destructive medium. Mail Order Trading was born in the brain of knaves and thieves who fired their building for insurance profits, then sold the salvaged and damaged stock to the unsuspecting sons of man in distant territory. [Thomas J. Sullivan, "Merchants and Manufacturers on Trial," Chicago, 1914]
1875年,最初是一个法律术语,指的是“授权债务人推迟到期付款”,源自拉丁语 moratorius 的中性形式,意为“倾向于延迟”,来自拉丁语 morari 的动词“延迟”,源自 mora 的名词“暂停,延迟”,源自 PIE *morh- 的动词“阻碍,延迟”(源头还包括梵语 amurchat 的“凝固,变得固体”; 古爱尔兰语 maraid 的“持续,剩余”)。这个词直到1914年才不再使用斜体字。1932年开始记录了“推迟,有意的暂时中止”的普遍意义。相关词汇: Moratorial。